2016年4月实验室孔俊教授在国际水文学顶级刊物《Water Resources Research》发表论文“Improvement of the Hillslope-Storage Boussinesq model by considering lateral flow in unsaturated zone”。该研究改进了传统Hill Slope Boussinesq (HSB)模型,提出了全新的HSB方程理论,首次明确了排水过程的两个不同阶段:前期非饱和流、饱和流共同排水,后期非饱和流持续排水。通过以解析形式表征非饱和流的排水强度,阐明了非饱和区排水过程的重要贡献,提供了一个评价非饱和流的重要指标。同行专家认为This paper makes a significant contribution to hydraulic groundwater theory applicable to hillslope and catchment hydrology. This paper clearly improves the scientific understanding of hillslope storage and runoff processes(这一成果的发现,是水文学领域的重大贡献,明显提高了我们对边坡集排水过程的科学认识)。
这是孔俊教授在国际水文学权威刊物《Water Resources Research》、《Journal of Hydrology》和《Hydrological Processes》上发表的第5篇关于滨海地下水波动理论研究的文章。
Kong, J., C. Shen, Z. Luo, G. Hua, and H. Zhao (2016), Improvement of the hillslope-storage Boussinesq model by considering lateral flow in the unsaturated zone, Water Resource Research, 52, doi:10.1002/2015WR018054.
(a) the early and middle saturated and unsaturated drainage stages