(11月 30日)江苏省海岸海洋资源开发与环境安全重点实验室系列特邀学术报告会





Incorporating Data Science and Climate in Coastal Engineering



Fernando Méndez 西班牙坎塔布里亚大学教授


Fernando Méndez is Full Professor of Coastal Engineering at University of Cantabria. He is Head of the research group “Geomatics and Ocean Engineering Group”. His research lines are focused on building knowledge to incorporate CLIMATE and DATA SCIENCE in COASTAL ENGINEERING (databases of marine variables, statistical models of extremes, data mining, statistical downscaling, climate variability, climate change, dynamical downscaling, flooding and coastal erosion).




Reconciling multiple spatial and temporal scales: hydrodynamics and sediment transport within mangrove forests



Julia Mullarney 新西兰怀卡托大学副教授



Associate Professor Julia Mullarney has a PhD from the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University. She is currently an associate professor at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. She studies coastal ocean and river dynamics, in particular sediment transport, geomorphological evolution, mixing and turbulent processes, ecohydraulics, nature-based solutions, and bio-geophysical interactions. Her work has an emphasis on process studies, and uses a combination of field observations, numerical modelling, and laboratory experiments. She is also the deputy editor of the journal Limnology and Oceanography.